From Lee Clarke’s album “Genes”
Director : Adam Fergurson
DP: Josh “Esso” Wann
Hmu: Yvette Pabon
Directed and edited by:
Adam Fergurson
Alexi Popadopoulos
Mike Toland
Ian Duffy
Props and Set Decoration:
Adam Fegurson
Pat Aulisio
Steve Arnold
Lauren Holguin
Adam Fergurson
Alexi Popadopoulos
Story boards:
Mike Popadopoulos
Wendy Popadopoulos
Director: Adam Fergurson
DP: Thomas Puleo
Directed and edited by Adam Fergurson
Directed by Adam Fergurson
Directed and Edited by Adam Fergurson
Created in 2017
"Chariot" album cover in collaboration with Thomas Puleo Photography
I made this video with some friends in Chincoteague July 4th weekend 2015. I made the music too.
"Tune In Every Sunday" was a multimedia installation created at The University of The Arts Sculpture gallery in 2012
With Peter Murray Photography 2015
Cha Cha Razzi was a communal art and DIY show space in South Philly
“Planet Storm”
38 in Diameter
Acrylic, house paint, oil, wood, resin, and water color on wood surface
4 ft wide circle. Mixed media on wood.
36x36in mixed media on wood
2x4 ft mixed media on wood
34 x 42 in
3 ft wide circle. Mixed media on wood
28in circle. Mixed media on wood
3 x 4ft. Mixed media on canvas over wood.
3 x 4ft. Mixed media on canvas over wood
SOLD on commission
4 x 4 ft
Projects created by Adam Fergurson
Projects created by Adam Fergurson
Projects created by Adam Fergurson
23 x 36in. Mixed media on wood
Projects created by Adam Fergurson
University of the Arts Sculpture Dept senior thesis show 2008